A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Holy Missionaries Mardarije (Uskokovic) and Sebastian (Dabovich) Newly Proclaimed Saints of the Orthodox Church

The Holy Assembly of Hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church during its regular session on May 29th, 2015, added the names of Archimandrite Sebastian (Dabovich) and Bishop Mardarije (Uskokovic), the Clergymen and Preachers of the Gospel, God-pleasing servants of the holy life, and inspirers of many missionaries, to the Dyptich of Saints (Calendar of Saints) of the Orthodox Church.

The Holy Assembly has done this upon the recommendation of the Episcopal Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America.

The Holy Assembly has established that the permanent annual commemoration of the Holy Hierarch Mardarije be on December 12, and Father Sebastian on November 30, when the Divine Liturgy will be served and the service chanted (hymns, troparion, and kontakion) and having their icons piously venerated.


Soon, this holy act of the Assembly will be announced to other Orthodox Churches throughout Ecumeni (the inhabited world).

Adding the names of the Holy Mardarije of Libertyville and Holy Sebastian of Jackson is a great event of our Church.

This same day, the Holy Assembly has celebrated the memory of the Holy New-Martyrs who suffered in Prebilovci (Herzegovina).



People Directory

Vladislav Bogićević

Vladislav Bogićević (Serbian Cyrillic: Владислав Богићевић) (born November 7, 1950 in Belgrade, Serbia, FPR Yugoslavia) is a Serbian former football (soccer) player. He is a member of the American National Soccer Hall of Fame.

Bogićević's playing career included 13 seasons with Red Star Belgrade where he was part of five Yugoslav league winning teams. All throughout his time at Red Star he was known by nickname Bleki. With his confident play for Red Star and national team, Bogićević gathered plenty of interest from top European sides.

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Knowing the Purpose of Creation through the Resurrection

Proceedings of the Symposium on St. Maximus the Confessor

The present volume is a collection of presentations delivered at the St Maximus the Confessor International Symposium held in Belgrade at the University of Belgrade from 18 to 21 October 2012. The Belgrade Symposium brought together the following speakers: Demetrios Bathrellos, Grigory Benevitch, Calinic Berger, Paul Blowers, David Bradshaw, Adam Cooper, Brian Daley, Paul Gavrilyuk, Atanasije Jevtić, Joshua Lollar, Andrew Louth, John Panteleimon Manoussakis, Maximos of Simonopetra, Ignatije Midić, Pascal Mueller-Jourdan, Alexei Nesteruk, Aristotle Papanikolaou, George Parsenios, Philipp Gabriel Renczes, Nino Sakvarelidze, Torstein Tollefsen, George Varvatsoulias, Maxim Vasiljević, Christos Yannaras, and John Zizioulas. The papers and discussions in this volume of the proceedings of the Belgrade Symposium amply attest to the reputation of Saint Maximus the Confessor as the most universal spirit of the seventh century, and perhaps the greatest thinker of the Church.

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