A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Veljkov čudesni „Istočni vetar“ najbolja kompozicija

Veljko Nenadić, 16-godišnji kompozitor i pijanista iz Smedereva, treći put zaredom pobedio je na takmičenju „Golden Key Piano“ u Americi, ovoga puta sa kompozicijom za duduk, frulu i klavir "Istočni vetar", koju je napisao za školsku drugaricu Nedu Nikolić, najboljeg mladog frulaša u Srbiji.

Veljko je pobedio u konkurenciji do 18 godina, poslavši partiture i video-zapis "Istočnog vetra".

- Žiri nije krio zadovoljstvo predivnom melodijom i harmonijama inspirisanim tradicionalnim srpskim foklorom, koji su utkani u ovu izuzetnu kompoziciju, a takođe i virtuoznom interpretacijom na duduku i fruli Nede Nikolić - kaže Romana Repustić Nikolić, razredni starešina mladih muzičara, učenika drugog razreda srednje muzičke škole "Kosta Manojlović" iz Smedereva.


Na istom takmičenju, Veljko je osvojio i treću nagradu za klavirsku kompoziciju "Završne minijature". Ovakav uspeh do sada niko nije ostvario na takmičenju koje postoji od 2002. godine, i na kome je učestvovalo 69 takmičara iz 16 zemalja sveta sa pet kontinenata.

Dodela nagrada za kompozitore je 22. jula u Beču, kada se održava završna manifestacija ovog takmičenja u čuvenoj dvorani Erbar hol, gde su nekada nastupali Brams i Maler, i gde će Veljko i Neda odsvirati "Istočni vetar" i primiti nagrade.

Novosti, 8. 1. 2015.



People Directory

Pete Maravich

Peter Press "Pete" Maravich (June 22nd, 1947 - January 5th, 1988) was a legendary basketball player known for his incredible shooting abilities, creative passing, and dazzling ball handling. He was included in the Basketball Hall of Fame in 1987. Also known as "Pistol Pete" he starred in college and for three NBA teams. Maravich is still the all-time leading NCAA scorer, averaging a staggering 44.2 points per game, without the benefit of a 3-point shot line.


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God Views Us Through Love

by Ignatije (Midic), bishop of Branicevo-Pozarevac

The present volume collects essays and articles written by Bishop Ignatije on man within history and within the Church; on the roots of the Church according to Saint Maximus the Confessor; on how God views us through love; about a call to rediscover our true self in our neighbor; on reconciliation in society and policy; on iconising that which is to come seen in the Iconography of Stamatis Skliris.