A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

The book on Serbia’s Christian Heritage in Kosovo and Metohija

The book on Serbia’s Christian Heritage in Kosovo and Metohija, its heartland in medieval times and through Ottoman domination, in recent months introduced to a wide reading public the oldest and richest treasury of Serbian medieval history and culture. Many university libraries were very pleased to have a copy of this high-quality publication, outlining the spiritual and artistic heritage of the Serbian Orthodox Church. It has been added to reference collections and now many students and faculty will make use of the ready access to it.

Joana Knezevic (California Institute of the Arts) presented the book The Christian Heritage of Kosovo and Metohija to the California Institute of the Arts Library. The gift was received by Bret Purpus, Associate Librarian. The monograph has been added to the library collection and is available for use by students and faculty.

Valérie Pécresse, a candidate for president of the Paris region, on December 6 attended the service in the Serbian Orthodox Church of Saint Sava in Paris, where she received a book The Christian Heritage of Kosovo and Metohija. She said: "We have to find a way to protect the very Serbian Orthodox heritage. We have an obligation to help the affected communities. It should be a universal role of France in the world."

Marko Macura (San Jose State University) donated the book The Christian Heritage of Kosovo and Metohija to the San Jose Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library. The gift was received by Rebecca Kohn, Associate Librarian (special collections).

Through these efforts, The Christian Heritage of Kosovo and Metohija established itself as the definitive record of the history of Kosovo and Metohija and is appreciated by many scholars.



People Directory

Boris Gortinski

Cinematographer and Director

Born in Belgrade. He was educated in Serbia, USA, Poland. Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Cinematography Department, University of Arts, Belgrade, Serbia.

His first feature film, while being the student of the final year, "Live Broadcast", directed by Darko Bajic, was awarded on many domestic and International Film Festivals.

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Poemes de Jovan Dučić / Песме Јована Дучића

Translated into French by Petar Bubresko. Bilingual edition (French and Serbian)

The first bilingual edition translations of poems in French of this prince of Serbian poetry. These translations of poems Dučić meet two objectives: to publicize the work of the poet to Francophone readers and pay tribute to both the Serbian language Dučić and French language to which the great poet and Petar Bubreško were passionately attached. This book is dedicated to Leposava Bubreško (1923-2013) professor Bubreško’s wife who wanted so much this work to be published.

Publishers: Sebastian Press, Vidoslov, and Metokhia

216 pages, soft bound, published in 2015, price $15

Песме Јована Дучића

На француски језик превео проф. др Петар Д. Бубрешко

Ова књига је посвећена Лепосави Бубрешко (1923-2013), супрузи професора Петра Д. Бубрешка, која је толико желела да ово дело изађе на светлост

Саиздавачи: Видослов, Требиње и Metokhia, Paris


Мирна као мрамор, хладна као сена,
Ти си бледо тихо девојче што снева.
Пусти песма других нека буде жена,
Што по нечистим улицама пева.

Ја не мећем на те ђинђуве са траком,
Него жуте руже у те косе дуге:
Буди одвећ лепа да се свиђаш сваком,
Одвећ горда да би живела за друге.

Буди одвећ тужна са сопствених јада,
Да би ишла икад да тешиш ко страда,
А чедна, да водиш гомиле што нагле.

И стој равнодушна, док око твог тела,
Место китњастог и раскошног одела,
Лебди само прамен тајанствене магле.

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