A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Besplatna obuka novinara srpskih redakcija u dijaspori za rad u onlajn medijima

Kandidati treba da poseduju znanje rada na računaru i internetu.

Prijave na konkurs poslati do 13 sati, 11. marta 2014. godine.

Biografiju i kratko motivaciono pismo (ne duže od 1500 karaktera) poslati na mejl This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Obuka je besplatna za 10 polaznika koji će biti odabrani na Konkursu. Odabrani kandidati biće obavešteni 12. marta 2014. godine i za njih će biti organizovan skype razgovor radi detaljnog predstavljanja programa, predavača i načina rada.

Nastava se održava subotom i nedeljom od 10 sati. Predavači su vodeći srpski profesionalci iz oblasti veb novinarstva, biznisa, odnosa s javnošću, marketinga, veb dizajna i multimedija.


Polaznici će iz svog doma, preko sajta www.webnovinar.org, pratiti direktan video prenos predavanja, imati prilike da se uključe pitanjima i rade praktične vežbe u realnom vremenu.

Tokom dvomesečnog kursa polaznici će učiti o tome:

  • Kako se na vebu dolazi do informacija i kontakata
  • U kojoj meri se veb razlikuje od tradicionalnih medija i koje su to specifičnosti novih medija
  • Kako se piše i uređuje za veb
  • Kako se veb koristi za PR i ličnu promociju
  • Osnove internet marketinga i oglašavanja
  • Poslovanje na vebu
  • Multimedija – kako priču obogatiti video snimcima, fotografijama, audio snimcima
  • Alati i programi za komunikaciju, zajednički rad i učenje na vebu
  • Kako se koriste društvene mreže u novinarstvu, biznisu i za nalaženje posla
  • Kako osmisliti i razviti svoj internet sajt

Školu je podržala Kancelarija Vlade Republike Srbije za saradnju sa dijasporom i Srbima u regionu.



People Directory

Fionn Zarubica

Fionn Zarubica, a native of Los Angeles, California, attended the University of California, Santa Barbara as well as the University of California, Los Angeles. On the theatrical side Fionn has worked for over twenty years as a costume designer, designing costumes for theater, film, ballet, opera and television in the United States, Canada and Europe. On the museum side, she has worked at the Autry National Center, on the Southwest Museum of the American Indian Preservation Project, and in January of 2006 joined the department of Costume and Textiles of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), where she was responsible for the management and care of the museum's renowned and comprehensive costume and textile collections, and oversaw ongoing rotations of the permanent collection throughout the museum.

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The One and the Many

Studies of God, Man, the Church, and the World today

by Metropolitan John D. Zizioulas

This volume offers a collection of Zizioulas articles which have appeared mostly in English, and which present his trinianatarian doctrine of God, as well as his theological account of the Church as the place in which freedom and communion are actualized. The title, The One and the Many, suggests the idea of a profound relationship that exists between the Persons in the Holy Trinity, between Christ and the Church, between one Catholic Church and many catholic Churches. On each of these levels of communion, each one is called to receive from one another and indeed to receive one another. And while this is understandable at the Triadological and Christological levels, it raises all sorts of fundamental ecclesiological questions, since the highest point of unity in this context is both the mutual ecclesial-eucharistic recognition and agreement on doctrine and canonical-eccelesiological organization.

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