A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Čačanski fotograf osvojio treću nagradu u Njujorku

Čačanski fotograf Damir Buzurović osvojio je bronzanu medalju na Međunarodnom salonu fotografije u "Njujork - Menhetn 2017"

Ova prestižna manifestacija održava se pod patronatom Svetske federacije umetnickih fotografa (FIAP) i Foto Saveza Amerike (PSA). U konkurenciji je bilo 11.000 fotografija iz 30 zemalja sveta, a u uži izbor je užlo sedam fotografija Damira Buzurovića.

Njegova fotografija “The story about family happiness” osvojila je treću nagradu salona.

Buzurović je član Foto Kino Kluba Čačak od septembra 2012. godine.

Na Međunarodnom Salonu New York – Manhattan 2017. pod patronatom FIAP (Svetske federacije umetnickih fotografa) i PSA (Foto Saveza Amerike) u konkurenciji od 11.000 fotografija i 700 fotografa iz 30 zemalja sveta, sedam fotografija Čačanina Damira Buzurovića ušlo je u uži izbor.

Fotografija “The story about family happiness” osvojila je bronzanu medalju salona. U aprilu 2015. godine Umetnički savet Foto Saveza Srbije dodelio mu je umetničko izlagačko zvanje Fotograf Prve Klase Foto Saveza Srbije (F1). U junu 2015. godine imao je svoju prvu samostalnu izložbu pod nazivom “Zvuci tišine“ sa 30 fotografija na temu minimalizam prirode.

Damir Buzurović (35) je master ekonomista i radi kao asistent na fakultetu.

Izvor: Blic



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Никола Васић

Родио се у Зворнику, у БиХ ,1893. године, умро је у Балтимору 1961. године у Балтимору, САД.

Спада у најбоље градитеље виолина у свету између два светска рата.

1908. године из Зворника одлази у Нови Сад на изучавање заната за прављење гудачких инструмената, а занат усавршава у тадашњој Чехословачкој. Боравио је и у Русији, Кини и Јапану да би се најзад 1925. године настанио у САД. Ту га открива чувени северноамерички виртуоз на виолини Елман и назива највећим живим светским градитељем виолина. Упоређује га са Страдиваријем, највећим и најпознатијим градитељем виолина и других гудачких инструмената на којима свирали или свирају највећи уметници.

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My Brother's Keeper

by Fr. Radovan Bigovic

Rare are the books of Orthodox Christian authors that deal with the subject of politics in a comprehensive way. It is taken for granted that politics has to do with the secularized (legal) protection of human rights (a reproduction of the philosophy of the Enlightenment), within the political system of so-called "representative democracy", which is limited mostly to social utility or to the conventional rules of human relations. Most Christians look at politics and democracy as unrelated with their experience of the Church herself, which abides both in history and in the Kingdom, the eschaton. Today, the commercialization of politics—its submission to the laws of publicity and the brainwashing of the masses—has literally abolished the "representative" parliamentary system. So, why bother with politics when every citizen of so-called developed societies has a direct everyday experience of the rapid decline and alienation of the fundamental aspects of modernity?

In the Orthodox milieu, Christos Yannaras has highlighted the conception of the social and political event that is borne by the Orthodox ecclesiastical tradition, which entails a personalistic (assumes an infinite value of the human person as opposed to Western utilitarian individualism) and relational approach. Fr Radovan Bigovic follows this approach. In this book, the reader will find a faithful engagement with the liturgical and patristic traditions, with contemporary thinkers, Orthodox and non-Orthodox, all in conversation with political science and philosophy. As an excellent Orthodox theologian and a proponent of dialogue, rooted in the catholic (holistic) being of the Orthodox Church and of his Serbian people, Fr Radovan offers a methodology that encompasses the above-mentioned concerns and quests.