A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Chicagoan of the Year in Classical Music: Vladimir Kulenovic, a conductor with an uncommon passion

Vladimir Kulenovic, music director of the north suburban Lake Forest Symphony, is at once selfish and selfless, useful qualities for a bright, ambitious, young musician out to make a name for himself in the fast track of symphonic conducting.

Selfish, because the Belgrade, Serbia-born American conductor's career ambitions are, by his own admission, limitless. Now in his second year with the Lake Forest professional orchestra, Kulenovic, who is 35 and lives in Evanston, has energized the ensemble and its audience. The Solti Foundation U.S. has taken notice. Having already awarded him career-assistance grants in 2012 and 2013, the foundation, which supports young conductors of exceptional promise, honored him a third time by naming him its $25,000 Solti Conducting Fellow for 2015, a prestigious honor indeed.

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Arso Ivanovich

Arso Ivanovich's paintings are known to many art lovers and critics throughout the United States and Europe. His versatility of style and technique is apparent, as his artistic influences are many - Picasso, Cezanne and Dali. But he remains faithful to his own instincts and memories of his native homeland, (Montenegro) Yugoslavia, and its proud, tumultuous history.

Ivanovich's paintings have ranged from the thick, textured oils of his expressionistic figures and post impressionistic landscapes, to the 'crystallized' transparency of his frozen watercolor. The majority of Ivanovich's work is painted using the revolutionary frozen technique, combining colorful realism, mystique and fantasy with a harmonious cracking of the paint pigments, reminiscent of frosted windowpanes on a cold, winter morning.

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Prayer Book

The Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Western America is pleased to announce the publication of a beautiful pocket-size, full-color, English-language Prayer Book, which has been compiled and designed by our newly enthroned His Grace, Bishop Maxim, and printed in Serbia. The book contains prayers commonly used by Orthodox Christians, lists of Scriptural Commandments, and brief articles on the precepts of Faith, proper conduct in church, and the meaning and practice of prayer. It is adorned with striking icons and illustrations by Fr. Stamatis Skliris, a parish priest in Athens who is renowned as an iconographer and as a writer and lecturer on Byzantine iconography. Full-color on coated stock throughout, 36 pages, 3¾" × 5½" format, paperback, saddle-stitched.