A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

About the Staff

Everyone who works at Serb World U.S.A. loves a good story, especially one about Serbs in America, but they have come to the magazine from varied professions with unique perspectives. All share an enthusiasm not only for their own work but also for each other's. Together they explore the cultural world of Serbs and produce a magazine enjoyed by over 20,000 others.


They can scan materials in seven languages — English, French, German, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, and Spanish. Most are American Serbs; some are not Serbs at all.

Bowker's Magazines for Libraries (1989) noted Serb World U.S.A.'squality, variety, and originality: 'It has maintained its editorial record as the best of its kind... the well-illustrated pages can feature a piece on making 'Serbian Spirits,' another way of talking about sljivovica. The dozen articles move from heroes of the O.S.S. to all-American Serb, Bronco Kosanovich."

Mary Nicklanovich Hart, Editor/Publisher (M.A. 1974, B.A. 1970, Phi Beta Kappa)
began editing and publishing Serb World U.S.A. in 1984. Prior to that, she had spent several years researching early South Slav immigration to the United States, published a few journal articles, and was several times a featured speaker on the subject. Her early works are based on primary documents and oral history, and much of that focused on Serbs in the American West—Bisbee and Globe in Arizona; Galveston, Texas; and White Pine County, Nevada.
In the magazine, she has turned to cultural topics which include an exploration of the Sokol movement, a description of The Slav Epic by Alphonse Mucha, and the development of "An Alphabet for the Slavs," the story of Cyrillic. In addition, she is the magazine's primary translator of works from Serbo-Croatian into English for the occasional bi-lingual format.
Among her major translations are the 1992, original English version of Dr. Stojan Lazarevic's History of the Belgrade Choral Society; numerous excerpts from Dr. Jovan Cvijic's (1865-1927) studies of the Balkan Peninsula; and English renderings of over 100 "Letters from Home" (1903-1945) contained in the rare Kosich "Srbin iz Like"Collection.

George Kosich, Chief Staff Writer
joined the magazine in 1984 just after he retired from a 30-year career as an executive in the brewing industry. He is a native of Wisconsin and long-time Milwaukee resident now living in Tucson.
His over 60 feature articles are proof of his wide interest in American Serbs, especially young professionals. He has interviewed artists, athletes, attorneys, judges, and scientists from coast to coast. He also took an in-depth look at Maximilian's Miramar and at cilim weaving in Old Serbia.
However, in the spring of 1985, he made history when he wrote "Mileva Marich of Novi Sad," one of the first accounts in English to conclude that Mileva Marich Einstein was a well-educated scientist in her own right. George Kosich is the master of the short article—focused, sharp, and witty.

Michael D. Nicklanovich, Feature Writer (M.S. 1966, B.S. 1964)
is an extraordinary writer at home with countless subjects. In addition to a book of poetry and two science textbooks, he began writing for the magazine while he was a professor of biology in Miami, Florida. He has since retired.
His over 100 feature articles extend from a 5-part series on Serbia in World War I to "Michael the Heavenly Warrior." Following the rivers and mountains, he has explored the Balkan peninsula. Tracing the origins of foods and herbs, he has discovered many secrets of the region.
In 1988, he brought the "Pirates of the Adriatic," the history of the Uskoks, and the "Serbs of No Man's Land," the history of the Military Frontier, to Serb World U.S.A.readers. In 1990 and in 1993, he spotlighted American Serbs who had won Pulitzers. The Montenegrin connections to the 'Merry Widow' and the Serbian route of the Orient Express were popular favorites as is his series on America's steel mill towns.

Philip D. Hart, Production Manager, Writer (M.A. 1975, B.A. 1970)
is one production manager who does everything from typesetting and design to writing feature stories. His original layouts are masterful, an expert selection of sharp images, the effective use of screens and color, and the drawing of original maps.
He is also a professional historian and former museum administrator, and several of his over 50 articles have found their way into bibliographies throughout the country. He began with a ground-breaking series on the American Serbs in the OSS. His article on Indiana Serb Matt Leach added an important chapter to the John Dillinger saga, and his series on the changing maps of the Balkans have included "Balkan Tightrope," "Flash Point," "Revolt in the Pashalik," and the "Treacherous Road to Autonomy."

Milan Opacich, Music Historian
is an all-around tamburitza master—a performer, an instrument builder, a teacher, a historian, and a writer—a man who makes both beautiful music and beautiful tamburitzas. Through his fifty years of experience, research, and writing, he has documented the contributions of countless musicians to the 100-year-old tamburitza tradition in the New World. Over 100 of his articles have appeared in his regular column, "Milan Opacich Presents," in Serb World U.S.A. and in his book Tamburitza America available through Black Mountain Publishers.

Mary Nicklanovich, Recipe Specialist
made her first cake when she was just 8 years old, and her mother, Marta, gave her free reign in the kitchen. That was over 70 years ago, and she has loved cooking ever since. In fact, she married a chef, Andrew M. Nicklanovich, and spent over forty years in the restaurant business. She knows Serbian food, of course, but is just as at home with chili or apple pie.
Over the past 22 years, she has done what few great cooks would ever do: revealed her favorite recipes and treasured secrets. Most of her Serbian dishes were unwritten, taught to her by her mother and close friends. The recipes she has published in Serb World U.S.A. are all authentic. Each was prepared according to exact measurements and then photographed. They are guaranteed, kitchen-tested, and comprise an extraordinary record of the finest Serb cooking.

Barbara Malczewski, Illustrator
was a scientific illustrator in her native Krakow, Poland. Since coming to America in the early 1980’s, she has branched out into original oils, exhibit design—and illustrating Serb World U.S.A.'s charming fairy tales. She draws on research and her own knowledge of Slavic folklore, plus a love of the fantastic, to bring the imaginary world of Serbian folk tales to life.

Holly Clark, Circulation Manager (M. Ed. 1998, B. Ed. 1992)
will receive the orders from this website—after all, she designed it and circulation is her specialty—renewals, new subscriptions and gifts, back issue orders, special requests! After nearly 10 years in the classroom, the former teacher has turned her extraordinary organizational skills to publishing.



People Directory

Matea Prljevic

As a child growing up in Serbia, music was always a part of my life. Starting with the piano I soon became inspired and fell in love with the classical guitar. I was lucky enough to get into a musical high school in Belgrade where I could focus my entire attention into developing into a mature musician. Besides studying music production, that’s when I became aware of composition and more specifically composition for film.

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Савремени еклисиолошки подсетник о Дијаспори

Историја и анализа тзв. „Америчког раскола“ (1963-1992) и предлози за његово превазилажење

Епископ Атанасије (Јевтић)

У издању Севастијан преса из Лос Анђелеса и Братства Св. Симона Мироточивог из Врњачке Бање, недавно је изашла нова књига Атанасија (Јевтића), умировљеног Владике херцеговачког, Савремени еклисиолошки подсетник о Дијаспори - Историја и анализа тзв. „Америчког раскола“ (1963-1992) и предлози за његово превазилажење.

Текст ове књиге је написан сада већ далеке 1990.године, и до данас био необјављен будући да је само за Синодске Оце Архијереје био намењен ради превазилажења тзв. „Америчког раскола“. Данас, када је тај српски раскол литургијски и административно превазиђен, сасвим је разумљиво и пожељно било да се овај текст предочи јавности.

На молбу Светог Архијерејског Синода, ондашњи јеромонах Атанасије је сва питања везана за болни раскол у српској дијаспори ставио под светлост православне Еклисиологије и Предања, што је био једини начин за њихово суочавање како би се дошло што ближе до зацељивања раскола. Читалац ће приметити како је он савесно и непристрасно проанализирао цело питање раскола и дао целисходне икономијске предлоге за његово решење. Ова књига је резултат његовог савесног христољубивог и црквољубивог рада.

Конкретан резултат Атанасијевог еклисиолошког предлога била је обнова евхаристијског општења и помирења које је постигнуто на празник Сретења Господњег, 15. фебруара 1992. године у Саборној Цркви у Београду, када су Српски Патријарх Павле и чланови Светог Архијерејског Сабора служили са Митрополитом Иринејем (Ковачевићем), дотадашњим епископом у расколу. Коначно, 21. маја 2009. године, Свети Архијерејски Сабор је донео одлуку и о коначном административном јединству Српске Цркве у Северној и Јужној Америци.

Истовремено, ова књига осветљава битно питање Дијаспоре. Дијаспора је пред Православну Цркву поставила два битна проблема: питање провере исправности нашег схватања Цркве, оног које се у последњим вековима код многих од нас усталило, и питање мисије Цркве у свету.

Књига је изашла са благословом Епископа новограчаничког и средњезападноамеричког Лонгина и Епископа западноамеричког Максима.

Књигу можете наручити по цени од $15 код:
Western American Diocese
1621 West Garvey Avenue Alhambra CA, 91803
847 571-3600, 626 289 9061, 626 284 1484 (fax), Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Visit our online store at http://westsrbdio.org/en/sebastian-press/sebastian-press-publications

Contemporary Ecclesiological Reminderon the Diaspora:
History and analysis of so called “American schism” (1963-1992) and recommendations for its overcoming

by Bishop Athanasius (Yevtich)

Recently, a new book by Athanasius (Yevtich), retired Bishop of Herzegovina, was published in Serbian by Sebastian Press of Los Angeles in cooperation with St. Simeon the Myrrh-streaming of Vrnjacka Banja.

This book was written in a now already distant year of 1990. This is its first publishing since the original intent was to have it available only for the hierarchs of the Holy Synod for the purpose of overcoming the so-called “American schism” within the Serbian diaspora. Presently, as the Serbian schism has been liturgically and administratively vanquished, it is understandable and desirable to have this valuable research available to the public.

At the request of the Holy Synod, back then hieromonk Atanasije acceded to collect all relevant documents in reference to painful schism in Serbian Diaspora, placing them in the light of Orthodox Ecclesiology and Holy Tradition, which was the only way to face it properly and bring it closer to healing.The readers will notice how Bishop Atanasije analyzed responsibly, and impartially the whole question of schism, and at the same time provided comprehensive, integral and thorough ecclesial economy, recomendations for solutions.This book is the result of his Christ-loving and Church-loving labor.

A tangible result of Atanasije's ecclesiological recommendation was the Eucharistic renewal, communion, and reconciliation which was established on the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple, February 15, 1992. At the Cathedral in Belgrade, His Holiness Patriarch Paul and hierarchs of the Holy Episcopal Assembly celebrated for the first time together since the schism, with Metropolitan Iriney (Kovacevic), up until then, schismatic bishop in Diaspora.Finally, on May 21, 2009, the Holy Assembly made a decission about conclusive administrative unity of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America.

In the same time this book reveals crucial question regarding Diaspora, because ecclesial organization of the Orthodox Church abroad presents itself with at least two problems: a) a check-up of our interpretation and comprehension of the Church, especifically of the last couple of centuries existing convictions, and b) a question of the Church mission in the World.

This book is published with the blessings of His Grace, Bishop Longin of New Gracanica - Midwestern America, and His Grace, Bishop Maxim of Western American Diocese, of the Serbian Orthodox Church for North and South America.

Price $15

Call us today with your order!
Western American Diocese
1621West Garvey Avenue Alhambra CA, 91803
847 571-3600, 626 289 9061, 626 284 1484 (fax), Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Visit our online store at http://westsrbdio.org/en/sebastian-press/sebastian-press-publications


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