A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Christ - The Alpha and Omega

The Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Western America is pleased to announce the publication of an outstanding book by Bishop Athanasius Yevtich, a disciple of the great twentieth-century theologian Archimandrite Justin Popovich. Bishop Athanasius' thought combines adherence to the teachings of the Church Fathers with a vibrant faith and a profound experience of Christ in the Church.

Christ - The Alpha and Omega is the first of a planned collection of works of contemporary Serbian theologians. It is an anthology of Bishop Athanasius' articles which have appeared in Serbian, Greek, French, English and Russian. Focusing on themes central to Christian patristic Triadology, Ecclesiology and Anthropology, the book reveals the ultimate purpose of man and the universe, and speaks of how each of us can realize this purpose within the divine-human community of the Orthodox Church. Bishop Athanasius reminds us that the God-man Jesus Christ is the Beginning and the End of all things, and that we must seek our own end, goal, and fulfillment in Him.


The book is adorned with striking illustrations by Fr. Stamatis Skliris, a parish priest in Athens who is renowned as an iconographer and as a writer and lecturer on Byzantine iconography.



1. O Gentle Light
2. The Holy Fathers and the Holy Scriptures
3. Christ - The Land of the Living


4. Christ on Earth - The Land of the Living
5. The Anthropology of Hesychasm
6. The Creation of the World and Man


7. The Holy Sacrament of Baptism: Entrance into and Living in the Church
8. Liturgy and Spirituality
9. Eschatological Dimensions of the Church
10. The Eschata in Our Daily Life


11. Between the "Nicaeans" and Easterners": The "Catholic" Confession of St. Basil
12. Icon and Incarnation of the Holy Fathers and St. John Damascene
13. The Teaching of St. John Damascene on the Most Holy Theotokos: Orthodox Theotokology
14. Socialism and the Ecclesial Community: A commentary on a text of Dostoyevsky
15. The Mystery of Touch: Holy Relics in Serbia - A True Physical Love. An interview

List of Sources



People Directory

Vladimir Djordjevic

Vladimir Mr.V Djordjevic, US citizen of Serbian descent, born January 23, 1973 in Belgrade, Serbia, live and work in Miami, Florida, USA. Vladimir is a 5 time US Martial Arts Hall of Fame'r and a WorldWide known Hand to Hand Combat Instructor. Mr.V is an edged weapon combat specialist who also designs some of the world's deadliest blades known as " Mr.V® - Made in USA". He is founder and chief instructor of Odbrana, Tactical Defense System. As highly skilled combat instructor, he has taught classes and seminars in weapon awareness and use for military, law enforcement, and security organizations. Mr.V is known as martial artist, producer, stuntman, writer and talk show host with an expertise in fight choreography.

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The Hagia Sophia

The Mystical Light of the Great Church and its Architectural Dress

by Charalambos P. Stathakis

Dear reader, as you run like the rest of us along the dizzy main road, stop, stay aside for a while. Let the others be dizzy, and take the secret underground trail, which will lead you through the dewdrops of the leaves, the crystal smile of the sun, the city’s underground galler- ies, your knowledge, and your feelings, to the doorstep of the Hagia Sophia. Because all dew- drops, all sunrays, and all beauty lead there. That is what you will be told by my friend, the author, whom I am fond of and whom I send you to, Charalambos Stathakis: the doctor, the warm and humane researcher, the scientist devoted to his work and his patients, who has given a series of scientific papers, who, nevertheless, retains a nest of beauty untouched in his heart, which makes him outstanding—even though he is not a specialist in architecture, nor a historian, nor a theologian, nor a Byzantinist—it makes him stand out in all these together and in entirety.

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